Collaborative Decision Making and Exchange Economy

We decide together with respect to each other and we promote a different and exchange economy.


The community is a workshop where power structures get fermented. We recognize and support the skills and talents of each individual as for utilizing them for the public good.

Sociocracy as a way of making decisions

Humans form relationships and are more familiar with cooperation rather than competition. Sociocracy is a dynamic model of organisation that aims for collaborative making decisions and achieving our goals!

Sociocracy means: "We decide together"

Sociocracy is a way of dealing and making decisions efficiently in collaborative matters and is based on two main principles:

  • The collective efficiency, when achieving goals of every organisation
  • The equality among the members, by showing respect and honour each other

Economy - Job

We want to create jobs on site or in our neighborhood. Jobs that respect the environment and the human dignity. We are particularly interested in the cooperation, the exchange and even the common economy.