Skala Library
On this page, you can browse resources which inspired us and we hope they may come handy to you.
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4Keys – Designing Ecological Habitats
Flow_ Nature’s Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts – Philip Ball
- Eurotopia – Verzeichnis europaeischer Gemeinschaften und Oekodoerfer, Wuerfel Verlag, 2000
- Shared Visions, Shared Lives – Communal Living around the Globe, Findhorn Press, 1996
- Dieter Duhm, Die Heilige Matrix, Synergie Verlag, 2001
- Dieter Duhm, Politische Texte fuer eine Gewaltfreie Erde
- Hildur Jackson and Karen Svensson, Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and Her People
- Diana Leafe Christian, Creating a Life Together; Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities
- Vine Deloria “Nur Staemme werden ueberleben”, Lamuv 1996
- Alastair McIntoch, “Rekindling Community – Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality”, Schumacher Briefings – 15, Published by Green Books
- Designing ecological Habitats – Creating a Sense of Place, E. Christopher Mare, Max Lindegger, Permanent Publications, 2011
- The Song of the Earth – a Synthesis of the scientific and spiritual world views, Maddy Harland and William Keepin PhD, Permanent Publications, 2012
- Beyond you and me – inspirations and Wisdom for Building Community, Permanent Publications, 2007
- Gaian Economics – Living Well within Planetary Limits, Jonathan Dawson, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Ross Jackson, Permanent Publications, 2010
- CO-OP VILLAGES – the next evolution, Jack Reed, Jen Chender, Jim Costa, CO-OP Village Foundation, 2007