What is Skala Ecovillage?

Skala Ecovillage is an attempt to form and accomplish an ecological friendly and collective way of living.
Currently, four adults and three children live permanently at Skala Ecovillage. Last year (2014) it has been created a core group of 8-10 people, which is working intensively on the implementation of the vision.
At the same time, a wide network of friends and collectives, both in Greece and abroad, supports us in several ways.
Ecovillage for us means:
Our Values

Dedication and love for research, creation, life, multi-diversity, authenticity, transparency, capacity for love and joy, and each individual’s potential for leadership.
The intention of each individual for personal development and contribution to the whole..
Deep communication and conscious creation that promotes individual’s initiative for the benefit of the community.
The Vision

We dream the Ecovillage as a vibrant and open social proposal which can replace the conventional structures of competition and fear with the constants of trust, solidarity and cooperation with ourselves and to life herself.
Our Goal

The creation of an Ecovillage, where each individual takes responsibility for his life and for the community, with provision for a future that will be happy to bequeath to our children so they can grow up with dignity, as healthy and free people. The work in the “small cell” of a community can be exemplary for the whole society.
Since 2014, a group of 8 to 10 people work to give birth to this vision.
Our Ecovillage is part of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)

The Global Ecovilage Network (GEN)
Ecovillages are international or traditional communities with a holistic and participatory design. Their activities cover all 4 areas of economy, ecology, social and cultural. Aim of every ecovillage is the regeneration of social and natural environments, while they serve as living and learning centres for a thriving future.
Villages that have the characteristics of ecological villages are part of the Global Ecovillages Network.
RefuGEN at Lesvos
GEN took action regarding the Refugee Crisis on the Island of Lesvos, back in 2015. “Together we aim to provide help on the ground in Greece and take responsibility for an issue that affects us all.”
Other Ecovillages around the world